Our Policy

Quality Policy

To maintain a quality management system in compliance with ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, ISO TS 16949:2009, to remain competitive internationally through continual improvement in quality and customer satisfaction, and to stay one step ahead of technological advance and continuous upgrading of human resource.

Environmental Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Generate benefit in the company and competitiveness as a condition that the company can continue to progress and develop, making human resources as in important factor in the company's business activities, company's business activities should be oriented to protecting the environment and preservation of nature and social responsibility to the environment, and complying with state legislation, regulation, and agreements with outside parties about the social environmental issues associate with corporate activities and evaluate compliance with these regulations and make continual improvements.

PT. VS Technology Indonesia
Jl. Cendana Raya Blok F10/06B
Delta Silicon 3 Industrial Park
Lippo Cikarang 17550
Phone : 46221 29288998

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